
Mafia TV Series: The Influence of “Romanzo Criminale”, “Suburra”, and “Gomorra” on the Rising Generation

suburra gomorra romanzo criminale

Introduction: The Obsession with the Mafia

The realm of television series is vast and multifaceted. Over the years, narratives have evolved and diversified to cater to the changing trends and tastes of viewers. A pronounced trend in recent times has been the escalating popularity of mafia-centric TV series. “Romanzo Criminale”, “Suburra”, and “Gomorra” stand as prime examples of this phenomenon.

Historical Background and Context

To fully grasp the situation, we must first delve into the historical roots of these portrayals. The mafia, as both a criminal and social phenomenon, has deep roots in Italian history, and these series draw inspiration from actual events and figures.

Romanzo Criminale

Based on a real criminal gang active in Rome during the ’70s and ’80s, “Romanzo Criminale” delves into the rise and fall of these criminals as they aim to control the city.


“Suburra” unfolds in a world where organized crime, the Vatican, and Italian politics intertwine in a complex web of power and corruption.


Derived from Roberto Saviano’s namesake book, “Gomorra” provides an unfiltered, brutal glance into the Camorra, the Neapolitan crime syndicate.

Influence on the Young Audience

With the widespread nature of these series, it’s inevitable to question their impact on the newer generations. Legitimate concerns arise over these portrayals possibly glorifying the criminal life and adversely influencing the youth’s perception of reality.

Teens, in particular, are known to be impressionable. Exposed to such narratives, they might begin to view crime as a viable route to power, respect, and wealth. The glamour aspect and the adrenaline associated with the “criminal world” depicted in these series might overshadow the real-life ramifications of such actions.

Fiction vs. Realism

However, it’s pivotal to note that while these series might be based on real events, they remain works of fiction. The danger emerges when the line between reality and fiction blurs. It’s imperative to educate the viewership that what they see on screen isn’t necessarily an accurate portrayal of real life.

Potential Solutions

Promoting media literacy is vital. Schools, families, and communities must come together to educate the youth about discerning between fiction and reality. Beyond education, it’s equally crucial to promote positive stories and role models that can counterbalance the allure exerted by these criminal narratives.


Series like “Romanzo Criminale”, “Suburra”, and “Gomorra” have undeniably left a mark on popular culture. While they offer gripping entertainment, it’s crucial to recognize and address the potential impact they might exert on the perceptions and behavior of the rising generations. With a balanced approach and appropriate education, we can enjoy these series for what they are: riveting stories, and nothing more.

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